How to Apply For a Sidney Prize
A sidney prize is an award given to people who have done good things for the community. It is a great way to show appreciation for someone’s efforts and achievements. It can be difficult to win one of these awards, so it is important to understand the requirements and rules involved. There are various types of sidney prizes, and they all come with different requirements. It is important to know how to apply for the right one for you.
Sidney Hook Memorial Award
The Society presents the Sidney Hook Memorial Award annually in memory of a distinguished member who had national distinction as a scholar, undergraduate teacher and leader in the cause of liberal arts education. Nominations are solicited a year and a half prior to each Triennial Council meeting through The Key Reporter, General Newsletter, and social media.
Those selected receive the award at the Triennial Council Meeting in addition to a $1,500 cash grant. They are expected to use the prize as part of their professional duties to promote science through public engagement. This can include educating the public, encouraging interest in the sciences and promoting new technologies that will benefit humanity.
Sidney Wertimer Scholarship
Sidney Wertimer, known to his friends as “Sid,” was born in Buffalo, NY. He graduated valedictorian of his class at Nichols School and went on to earn a degree from Wharton, the University of Pennsylvania. Sid was a professor of economics at Hamilton College and had a lasting impact on generations of students.
He had an unmistakable passion for engineering, a field that has always attracted women and he worked tirelessly to encourage young female engineers to realize their potential. He is the inspiration behind this annual award, which is open to female students studying engineering at UHI. It’s a chance to celebrate their accomplishments and give them the support they need to pursue their dreams.
This prize is awarded to the graduating student who best demonstrates outstanding academic achievement and promise through their senior thesis and overall work. This award was named in honor of Sidney Cox, a professor who was well-known for his ability to motivate students towards realizing their dreams.
The Hillman Foundation was established in 1950 by the late labor leader and founder of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, a predecessor union to Workers United, SEIU. The foundation honors and fosters investigative reporting and deep storytelling in service to the common good. In its early years, the foundation made grants of tens of thousands of dollars to scholarships, research, and lecture series on college campuses. The foundation continues its legacy today with the Hillman Prize program. The 2024 Hillman Prize is awarded in the amount of $5,000. The winner and finalists will be announced at a ceremony in New York City on May 7, 2024. To nominate, please submit a story by the last day of each month.